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Kona-ba IPUTL

About IPUTL 

Igreja Pentecostal Unida mak organizasaun internasionál ida-ne'ebé iha ona nia igreja sira iha nasaun atus rua resin iha mundu tomak. Igreja Pentecostal Unida Timor-Leste harii iha tinan 2004 no agora iha igreja balun ne'ebé namkari iha nasaun laran tomak.


Bainhira ema rona kona-ba ‘Unida Pentecostal’, dala barak sira husu saida mak halo igreja ne'e la hanesan ho igreja sira seluk. Ida-ne'e pergunta naturál ida-ne'ebé merese atu hetan hatán, ne’ebé bele teste ho Maromak nia liafuan, Biblia santu.

The United Pentecostal Church is an international organisation with churches in over two hundred nations around the world.  The United Pentecostal Church of Timor-Leste was established in 2004 and there are now several churches scattered all around our nation.

When people hear of the ‘United Pentecostals’ they often ask what makes this church different to others.  This is a very natural question and deserves an answer which can be tested against God’s word, the Holy Bible. 

Explore our Ministries  

Our ministries, aim at  preaching the good news, making disciples, preparing future pastors, ministers and leaders, and serving those in need.


  • Children's Ministry

  • Bible School

  • Home Missions

  • Youth Ministry

  • Women's Ministries.

Ami-nia minist’eriu foka ba haklaken mensajen kona-ba Evanjellu, kria dixipulu sira, prepara pastor sira, ministru sira no lideransa sira, no serbí sira ne'ebé presiza.


 * Ministériu Labarik

 * Eskola Biblia

 * Misaun rai-laran

 * Ministériu Juventude

 * Ministériu Feto.



Esplora ami-nia Ministériu sira

A church near you  

  Igreja besik Ita

We continue to expand biblical truth across our nation. If you would like to join us at any of our Churches or Preaching Points, read more.​



Ami kontinua habelar lia-loos husi Biblia iha nasaun laran tomak. Se Itaboot hakarak hamutuk ho ami iha ami-nia Igreja ka Pontu Pregasaun, lee tan.


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